EN 388:2016
European Standard for Protective Gloves Against Mechanical Risks

EN 388:2016 establishes performance levels, testing and classification for fabric or layers of fabric for their ability to resist abrasion.
The standard test use a Martindale Abrasion Tester to measure the number of cycles required to abrade through the sample glove over 180 grit abrasive material. The glove material, cut from the palm, is fitted to a rubbing head of fixed size and weight. This head is then moved in an elliptical motion over a table covered with abrasive material until a hole appears. Each rotation across the surface is considered a cycle. The total number of cycles completed before a hole is present creates the rating. These results are represented by levels 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest level of abrasion resistance. If a glove is made up of multiple unbonded layers, each layer is subjected to the test, and the level is based on the lowest individual result of the most resistant material.
When a glove is comprised of multiple unbonded layers, each layer is subjected to the test. The level is based on the lowest individual result of the most resistant material.

For the latest safety standards, classifications, testing criteria and ratings information, please refer to the appropriate governing body or association. Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. As BDG® cannot control or anticipate the conditions under which a product may be used, each user should review the information in specific context of the planned use. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Bob Dale Gloves and Imports Ltd., and/or its affiliates, employees or representatives will not be responsible for damages of any nature resulting from the use or reliance upon the information contained in this sheet. No express or implied warranties are given other than those implied mandatory by law. BDG® products are not cut and puncture proof. Do not use with moving blades, tools or serrated blades.